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The largest bubble ever blown was 23 inches in diameter by Susan Montgomery Williams in 1994. This can be found in The Guinness Book of World Records 1998.

I can clarify that the best Bubblegum to use for a big one is Hubba Bubba!

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14y ago
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17y ago

more bubblegum. and a bigger mouth. and a lot of chewing...

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10y ago

bubblelicious bubblegum in my opinion

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Q: Which gum will make the biggest bubble?
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What bubble gum will blow the biggest bubble?

Hubba Bubba

Is Dubble Bubble the biggest piece of bubble gum?

No, there are bigger pieces.

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Bazooka gum does because im doing an experiment and its blowing the biggest bubbles!!!!!!!!!!! That could be how you're blowing though!

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bubble dubble. there was a record set by guiness world records , it uses that gum ☺