OLD ANSWER: There is no known bubble gum companies making taco flavored gum, but in Japan they have several odd flavors, and one that brushes your teeth
NEW ANSWER: okay that old answer is BORRINNNGG true answer yes. its yummeh. but unfortunately, it's only available in unicorn land, which is about 3,000 light years away from our galaxy. good luck on getting there. noob.
=P i liek tacos rofl
Is the singer Taco gay ? yes
Taco Ockerse was born on July 21, 1955, in Jakarta, Indonesia.
In my opinion, I think a taco would win. TACO POWER! Unfortunately (for them both) they would BOTH be consumed -by me! OPEN sandwich, insert taco, CLOSE sandwich, and devour. Yummy! CHUCK NORRIS!
Hazelton USP, WV
Taco flavored Doritos were introduced in 1968.
Yes, there is bacon flavored gum.
fruit flavored gum is good for you
Find a package of gum and take it out. Then you have mint flavored gum! Ta Da!
its flavored with a bunch of dyes and sugar variations
Yes clove flavored candy is made and so is clove flavored gum.
William Wrigley Jr. invented flavored gum. For example, Hubba Bubba, Juicyfruit, and 5 React Gum.
Any type of mint flavored gum
No, but they should!
No. Chewing gum is not made of flavored tar. Tar gets hard quickly. This would be impossible and not to mention very health risky and gross! Whoever told you that gum is flavored tar was just pulling your leg.
A typical taco salad may have lettuce, taco flavored ground beef, tomatoes, cheese and other optional ingredients.