In "The Batman" animated TV show, Joker disguises himself as Batman in the "The Laughing Bat" episode.
Superheros, vampires, and magicians wear capes, For instance,superman, zorro, batman, and Dracula.
an episode called the end he fights his bro
sakura fights in many episodes but the first one is episode 32
Batman Fights Dracula was created in 1967.
Batman Dracula was created in 1964.
Batman & Robin
He fights for Truth and justice
Batman fights in his hometown of Gotham
"Batman" (1943) "Batman & Robin" (1949) "Batman" (1966) "Batman Fights Dracula" (1967) "Batman" (1989) "Batman Returns" (1992) "Batman Forever" (1995) "Batman & Robin" (1997) "Batman Begins" (2005) "The Dark Knight" (2008) "The Dark Knight Rises" (2012) All movies on TopRater:
no he fights for gothlim city.
Batman & Robin
In "The Batman" animated TV show, Joker disguises himself as Batman in the "The Laughing Bat" episode.
Robin is, sort of, but Batgirlisn't.