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I think it's inuyasha final act episode 3

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Q: Which episode of InuYasha does shippo take the fox demon exam?
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What happens in the last inuyasha episode?

it depends: In the final act of the regular InuYasha series, InuYasha, Kagome and the others are still inside of the demon's belly. During this time, InuYasha puts a jewel shard on Tetsusaiga. But it makes him almost become a full demon until Kagome runs up behind him and hugs him, pausing his full transformation, yet his purple face markings stay. Then, with the swing of Tetsusaiga, InuYasha releases Adamant Barrage, causing the demon to 'die'. Kagome, being weak, collapses in InuYasha's arms. Then you see the group back with Kaede. Kagome's feet are badly wounded. InuYasha then takes Kagome up into a tree with him where they say their last words of the series. ;;;;;;; Now, if you're wondering about InuYasha! Kanketsu-Hen!; it hasn't ended yet. So far (2/1/10) The episode "The days of days" has been uploaded onto Hulu/ ----------------------------------------------EDIT---------------------------------------------------------- Yeah but in the final episode, kagome is in the darkness with the shikon jewel(jewel of four souls) and its asking her to make a wish but then she hears inuyashas voice and he tall her not to wish until he gets there and the jewel asks kagome if she wants to see him but she doesnt answer so then he gets there and they kiss and she wishes for the shikon jewel to disappear forever so it disappears and it showed naraku peacfully dying and then the scene goes to three years later when kagome graduates and then kaede and rin are running to the house because sango is having her third baby with miroku and then inuyasha and kaede are talking and shippo comes and informs her that inuyasha has been going to the well every three days so the shippo gets kicked away and he tells kaede even though he didnt he didnt like to talk about it that when the shikon jewel was distroyed they ended up in kagomes time and then and sote(brother) her mom and grampa were all crying so then kagome went and hugged them and inuyasha has been sucked into the well and sent back to the feudal era and ended up alone then sango and miroku are talking about how lonely inuyasha must be later sangos 2 twins are playing with inuyashas ears when he catches kagomes scent so he puts the twins on shippo and runs to the well when he gets there he looks and sticks his hand in and then kagome grabs it and come out and they hug and then everyone is riunited and so it shows sota her brother walking home from school and his friends ask him to introduce then to his "pretty" sister so he says he cant because shes not around and she got married after finishing highschool and he ran off to his grampa asking about an appointment then it shows what everyones been up to that sango and miroku started a family that sesshomaru left rin with kaede because they said she needs to get used to living with humans and decide between living with humans and sesshomaru when the time comes and it shows shippo going to his fox exam kinda and getting promoted and finally it shows inuyasha carrying kagome to a cliff-like place and watching the sunset and then kagome says,"now i will spend everyday with inuyasha, heading toward tomorrow". sad i know i actually cried xD and one more thing: IN YOUR FACE KIKYO! okay done hope this helped :)

What episode of the anime does Killua pass the Hunter Exam?

Killuah doesn't pass the exam; he actually fails it. It happens around episode 30.

What episode does kiba come in?

Episode 23. During the Chuunin Exam arc. That is where we first see him.

What is the name of the first episode of Teen Titans?

Divide and Conquer. Even though it says that Final Exam is the first one, in Divide and Conquer, Robin doen't know who did it or who Slade is. In Final Exam, Robin hears about Slade when Gizmo says he'll call him. Final Exam is the third episode.

What happens to kagome in inuyasha?

This is according to the Anime. Kagome realizes she loves him, but doesn't want to get in the way of Inuyasha and Kikyo. So she keeps quiet about it. But Naraku finally kills Kikyo. Kagome goes back to her own time for some tests and whatnot, but her family had gone a trip they won for a hot springs visit. Inuyasha comes to bring Kagome back, and they almost kiss in her room, but Sota (Kagome's younger brother) and her mom and grandpa come back and Sota comes in. So she says "Sit" to make it seem like they weren't about to kiss and all. In the second to last episode (in The Final Act), Naraku is killed, but he wished on the Shikon Jewel that Kagome would be sucked inside the crescent thing the Black Tetsusaiga can make. She's sucked inside and Inuyasha was unable to grab her. Then the Bone Eater's Well disappears on both sides, and Kagome's family is totally grieved. Inuyasha swings the Black Tetsusaiga, and jumps through. Kagome is in this black expanse of nothingness with the Shikon Jewel, and it is trying to get her to wish upon it. But she perseveres, convinced that Inuyasha will save her. Inuyasha, on the other hand, is battling the demons that Midoriko(the priestess that created the Shikon Jewel) had made Shikon Jewel out of. The Shikon Jewel then tells Kagome to wish on it for Inuyasha to be there with her. She was about to, but Inuyasha defeated the demons and cut a glowing line, which brought him to Kagome. He then kisses her, and she wishes that the Shikon Jewel would disappear forever. It does, and she and Inuyasha pop up on the Bone Eater's Well in Modern Era. Kagome rushes to greet her family, which had been waiting for 3 days since the well disappeared, but as she turns around, Inuyasha is sucked back into the well to the Feudal Era. Kagome tries to get through to the Feudal Era, but the well stopped working. In the Feudal Era, however, the well also appeared back in its original place, and Inuyasha climbs out alone. Then it skips 3 years, and Shippo has gone to the Fox Demon Exam (mentioned earlier in The Final Act), Miroku and Sango are married and having their third child, Rin is living with Kaede, and Inuyasha helps Miroku with his exorcists and whatnot. But every 3 days, Inuyasha would go back to the well and attempt to get through to Kagome. Meanwhile, in Kagome's world, she had just finished High School. She then comes to a realization as she gazes into the well with her mother, and sees a sky at the bottom. Her mom tells her to go, and Kagome jumps in. Inuyasha picks up her scent and runs to the well, where he meets her again. Then they get married.

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#6 : "The Alchemy Exam" .

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Final Exam

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Final Exam.

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It was during the preliminary rounds of the Chunin Exam Naruto episode 46-47.

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Episode 20-30,If you wan't to know what they are about just ask me

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"where someone accidentally sits the wrong exam" ??? Um... what? Perhaps you should rephrase this and perhaps someone can answer your question.