They don't date (aren't dating) at all..... why would Shun ever date Alice? She's at least one year older than him, which only just one of the many reasons why Shun shouldn't date her.
i hope so,but not surethey better, I am only watching because i love dat couple!actually the don't end up together. Alice appears in the first season and the second season. She's not even in the latest seasons.
episode 3 towards the end
Shun Kazami lives with his grandfather who wants Shun to become a ninja. He's a Ventus brawler and his guardian Bakugan is Ventus Skyress (later Ventus Storm Skyress). He's 14. He really likes Alice but he end up facein masquerade when he find out shun like Alice but Alice love masquerade(They're dating in New Vestroia). For more info check BakuganWiki.
no, ashlee greene(Alice Cullen) is dating Jackson rathbone(jasper Cullen) (: no Alice isn't dating jasper cuz hes married to rosalie in real life No. Ashley Greene is not dating either Jackson or Kellan, she has admitted to having a crush on Jackson but says her and kellan are just friends.
alice's sister
Actually, there's a rumor that they are secretly dating. Which is really good!!
no she is dating masquerade in episdoe 38 or 40 i cant remember it good
They don't/haven't dated in any episodes of new vestroia or the original bakugan and im not sure if they r going 2 end up dating in any serious or episodes to come :( =[But klaus and Alice r not hokking up 2 gether because klaus is in his 20s and Alice is only 16, it would make more sence 4 Alice 2 go out with Shun thoe...
no and who was stupid enough to ask that question
Yes.he has a crush on her.
No, they already found out he is Alice so definitely no
i don't know but in my opinion i hope she does.
she will be in episode 10 but it is unknown if she will play a bigger part or even go to new vestrioa(i hope she does!) she do when masquerade return she plays the big part :)
It is rumored that she returns in episode 10 yes she appears in episode 10 when runo chooses to go to new vestroia yes she returns and finnly find her first love is masquerade when he return sooon
runo marucho Julie Alice masquerade jun and dan
well since I have watched Bakugan, I think Alice has some affection and feelings for Shun. It is also displayed many times when Alice defends Shun in many episodes and when she reveals that she is Masquerade, Shun says a nasty remark (not thaaat a nasty remark...) she is so affected that she starts crying so this does show that she likes Shun (more like ADMIRES him)
i hope so,but not surethey better, I am only watching because i love dat couple!actually the don't end up together. Alice appears in the first season and the second season. She's not even in the latest seasons.