At the end of Gundam Seed episode 7, The Scar of Space. She's rescued from a life pod by Kira.
episode 19
Episode 117
Actually, he does meet naruto in episode 12 and they battled in episode 14-15 or somewhere near that.
Tamera meet Jordan in the episode " Two's Company" which is season 5, episode 10. Tia meet Tyreke in the episode " Popular Mechanic" whic is season 5, episode 8.
the first episode of season 4
In the anime episode 13. In the manga volume 4.
They meet in episode 163. The episode is released now.
They meet in episode 1
they meet songo in episode 24
They meet in episode 20
there no Pokemon episode when misty meet dawn
episode 19
Episode 117
it is episode 168 :)
Episode 15.
Inuyasha did not meet gokuryuuha on a episode, but on a movie, its inuyasha movie 3 and he did not meet gokuryuuha, its souunga ultimate attack. He met souunga and was able to use it.
The episode in which Misty and May meet is during the Pokémon Advanced Challenge dubbed season, the episode in which they meet is titled "The Princess and the Togepi."