none Itachi was about to kill sasuke when he just poked him the in fore head and said somthing and died most people assume that he was suffring from a virius or a pervious ingury
no not all of them have dies. sasuke, itachi, and madara are the surviving uchiha clan members. well that is until sasuke kills itachi. and eventually sasuke kills madara
his old brother itachi uchiha kills theme his old brother itachi uchiha kills theme
Actually Pain destroys Konoha but Sasuke does attack konoha.... he eventually fights Naruto and Kakashi and also sasuke loses his vision.
Im guessing your trying to say itachi? But yes he does die he is defeated by Sasuke.
Yes, Itachi dies because Sasuke kills him. It starts at episode 135 and goes up to episode 138.
Yes,Itachi does die sasuke kills him
yes, sasuke kills Itachi but itachi was already weak with an illness that is still unknown
yes [warning spoiler sasuke kills itachi in shippuden]
sasuke kills itachi
Nobody... He dies. Sasuke kills him.
Hedies. Sasuke kills him.
sasuke kills orochimaru cuz he was tired of him controling him and THATS the truth
Sasuke fights itachi but does not kill him, itachi willingly kills himself for sauskes purpose so that he could return to the hidden leaf as the hero who venged his clan.
There is no "they"...only Sasuke kills Itachi. And, no, Sasuke is not friends with Naruto.
yes sasuke kills him
It hasen't become a anime episode yet, but Itachi dies in chapter 393