See provided link for a complete list of traditionally animated (hand drawn) movies.
Due to all the advances in modern technology I am sure they will be combined animation.
The first animated feature film is contested. Most consider Walt Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs(1937) to hold this honor, as it was the first to use cel-animation (now referred to as "traditional animation"). However, seven feature length animated films were created before this.El Apóstol (1917), Sin dejar rastros (1918) and Peludópolis (1931), directed by Quirino Cristiani, were drawn in the style of political editorial cartoons. All are considered lost films.The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926), directed by Lotte Reiniger, was made using cardboard cutouts similar to Wayang shadow puppets. This is the oldest surviving animated film.The New Gulliver (1935), directed by Aleksandr Ptushko and A. Vanichkin, had some live action sequences but mostly used stop-motion puppets. These puppets had removable heads with pre-molded expressions (similar to stop-motion techniques used today).The Tale of the Fox (1937), directed by Irene and Wladyslaw Starevich, also used stop-motion puppetry. The film was actually completed in 1930 but was not released for seven years due to issues with the soundtrack.The Seven Ravens (1937), directed by Ferdinand and Hermann Diehl, was the third stop-motion animated film.
Harley Quinn (play on the word harlequin) first appeared in "Batman: The Animated Series" epidsoe "Jokers Favor". Since then she has appeared in many other series including comic books. Her first comic book was "The Batman Adventures: Mad Love", but it was written and drawn by Paul Dini and Bruce Timm (who were 2 producers in of the animated series and Harley's creators) the comic book revealed Harley's origins as an Arkham Asylum psychiatrist who fell in love with the Joker. The story was widely praised and won the Eisner and Harvey Awards for Best Single Issue Comic of the Year. Since then she has appeared in animated series such as "The Batman" and a small cameo appearance at the end of "Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker"
It's a series of short animated clips on YouTube. All of the characters are stickmen and they look like they drawn in Paint. There isn't a real plot, the scenes are random, which makes it funny. So far there have been 3 parts. Actually, Tomska (the creator) has made a fourth one. It is way more HILARIOUS than the first three. And the characters aren't stickmen. As of May 2012 there are 5 parts.
Betty Boop is a harmless animated cartoon. Boop is a baby-talk word for Milk. the cartoon is harmless, if anything She is an actress and dancer and very normal, sexual-orientation wise. She is often drawn in an Empire Gown.
This depends if it is an animated movie, which has been been drawn and animated on a computer, then yes.But if it has been drawn as 2D as a flat image, from a downwards angle, then no.If it has been drawn from an angle then it is slightly possible.
King of the Elves. It's unknown at this time if it's going to be computer animated or hand-drawn.
by computer
The theatrical movie was removed from Disney's production schedule in August 2013 so as of May 2014, there is no upcoming movie any longer, but if it does still happen, if you mean "traditionally animated" as in hand drawn & hand painted cells? No, It won't be created that way.
A Traditionally Animated film. These are films which wereanimated using traditional animation (i.e., each frame is hand-drawn)or run at least 40 minutes in length (or, if not fully animated, contain at least 40 minutes of animation in total)
An animated cartoon is one of several types of movie in which the frames are drawn by hand in order to give a sense of movement when projected in sequence.
The Lion King was released on June 15th 1994 as an animated film & a "real life" remake version [real life in the sense it's not a cartoon, the animals are still animated but realistically animated] was released July 19th 2019.
You're playing a little fast & loose with the term "animated", it was essentially a small bump drawn on Bart. As for Why... Probably for comedy sake plus, it was something they couldn't do on the series.
Jessica Rabbit .
Due to all the advances in modern technology I am sure they will be combined animation.
Imagenes Animadas is in Spanish, transferring this to English in google means animated images. So it's used as a term for animation or movable pictures on websites or even hand drawn animated images or animation.
This could be one of these: ANIME - a Japanese drawn or animated art form ENEMY - a foe or opponent ANEMONE - a small sea creature