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Drawing inferences

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Q: Which active reading strategy requires you to come to a conclusion based on what you have already read and already know?
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What is the biggest difference between inferring and drawing conclusion?

When you infer, you use clues from what you are reading along with what you already know. When you draw a conclusion, you are only taking into account what you are reading.

What is the pre reading strategy for taking information you already have and adding to it?

A pre-reading strategy for adding to existing information is to activate prior knowledge by reviewing what you already know about the topic. Make connections between your existing knowledge and the new information you are about to read. Skim through the material to get a sense of the main ideas and key points before delving into a detailed reading.

What conclusion can be reached from the information in this reading passage?

Passage conclusion

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Which reading strategy connects your own background knowledge and experience to the text?

Activating prior knowledge entails making connections between what you already know and the text you are reading. This strategy helps you better understand and retain information by linking new concepts to familiar ones.

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Steps in a productive reading strategy?

A productive reading strategy is PQ4R. PQ4R is an acronym which stands for Preview, Question, Recite, and Review. This strategy is designed to help a reader with challenges understanding or remembering what he has read.

What does conclusion mean in reading?

what does conclusion mean for readingis a decision you make after thinking about the detailsin what you read

When should you use questioning strategy?

You should use questioning strategy at all times when reading.

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Who dies at the conclusion of this chapter?

There is not enough information about which book you are reading to answer.

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