Harold Cole was born in 1906.
J. Cole was born on January 28, 1985
Cole Protzman was born in Dallas, in Texas.
Lanisha Cole was born on February 13, 1982.
Charisma Cole was born on May 21, 1980, in Romania.
Gerrit Cole was born on September 8, 1990
Gerrit Cole was born September 8, 1990, in Newport Beach, CA, USA.
MLB player Gerrit Cole is 6'-04''.
MLB player Gerrit Cole is 6'-04''.
Gerrit Cole is a starting pitcher for the Pittsburgh Pirates.
MLB player Gerrit Cole bats right.
MLB player Gerrit Cole throws right.
MLB player Gerrit Cole made $512500 in the 2014 season.
Gerrit Cole debuted on June 11, 2013 and played his final game on September 24, 2013.
Gerrit Cole is 6 feet 4 inches tall. He weighs 240 pounds. He bats right and throws right.
Gerrit Beneker was born in 1882.
Gerrit Thomas was born in 1973.