Kenneth J. Cole was born on 1936-02-13.
it short for his name, Jermaine Cole > J. Cole
J. Cole's father's name is James Cole. His father is a black male that served in the U.S. Army and abandoned J. Cole when he was young.
It's his initial; his name is Jermaine Cole
The name of J. Cole's new album is "Cole World: The Sideline Story"
M. J. Cole was born on 1973-08-09.
Leon J. Cole was born on 1877-06-01.
B. J. Cole was born on 1946-06-17.
Kenneth J. Cole was born on 1936-02-13.
Jermaine Cole (J. Cole) was born on January 28, 1985.January, 28, 1985 in Frankfurt, Germany
Jermaine Cole (J. Cole) was born on January 28, 1985.January, 28, 1985 in Frankfurt, Germany
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
J. J. Cole was born on January 28, 1985. He was born in Frankfurt, Germany. Before his first birthday his family and he moved to Fayetteville, North Carolina.
it short for his name, Jermaine Cole > J. Cole
J. Cole better
Rebecca J. Cole who was an American physician got married in 1868. She was born on March 16, 1846 and died on August 14, 1922.