There is a Vernon California, located in Central Los Angeles. Just North of Compton.
Vernon Walters's birth name is Walters, Vernon Anthony.
Jules Vernon died in 1937.
Vernon Stouffer was born in 1901.
Vernon Howard died in 1992.
Gabor Vernon was born in 1925.
The address of the Vernon Free is: 567 Governor Hunt Rd., Vernon, 05354 9484
The address of the Vernon Public Library is: 10 Main Street, Vernon, 85940 0600
The address of the Vernon Historical Society Inc is: 734 Hartford Tpke, Vernon, CT 06066
The address of the Vernon District Public Library is: 115 East Main Street, Vernon, 48476 0416
The Birchmere is located at 3701 Mount Vernon Avenue, Alexandria, Virginia 22305. It is located at the intersection of Mount Vernon and East Reed Street.
The address of the Mount Vernon Public Library is: 1370 Highway 36, Mt. Vernon, 72111 M
The address of the Belle Vernon Public Library is: 505 Speer St, Belle Vernon, 15012 1540
The address of the Mt. Vernon Branch Library is: 206 W Water St, Mt. Vernon, 65712 1440
it is located in Raleigh north carolina
The address of the Mount Vernon Ladies Association is: Po Box 110, Mount Vernon, VA 22121-0110
Mount Vernon is located on the Potomac River.