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That quote comes from the internalised conversation that Simon has with the beast within himself, during an epileptic fit. It is from chapter 8: Gift For The Darkness, a couple of paragraphs from the end, on page 158 in my edition of the book.

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Q: Where is the quote fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill located in Lord of the Flies?
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In the story Lord of the Flies is there really a beast?

In Lord of the Flies there is technically no physcial beast. "The Beast" is a symbol for something greater i.e our inner savergery. Golding uses the beast as only a symbol which the boys seem to reconize even more with their desent into savergery

What are some quotes from Simon in lord of the flies?

Some quotes from Simon in "Lord of the Flies" include: "Maybe there is a beast... maybe it's only us." "Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill! You knew, didn't you? I'm part of you?" "What I mean is... maybe it's only us."

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In "Lord of the Flies," Maurice believes the beast is a physical entity that resides on the island and causes fear and chaos among the boys. He represents the belief that the beast is something tangible and menacing, reflecting the boys' inner fears and insecurities.

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The Lord of the Flies, the pig's head on a stick in the middle of the jungle on the island, is used by Golding as a symbol. It is very similar to the "Beastie", in the fact that it symbolizes evil and the evil within everyone. This is primarily memorable during Simon's encounter with the Lord of the Flies. It's most memorable quote is, "Funny thinking how you though the beast was something you could kill!"

Brainstorm names for the beast in Lord of the Flies?

The beast has several names already in the book Lord of the Flies. It is initially referred to as a snake-thing or beastie. Later during his internalised conversation the beast is named as the Lord of the Flies. Finally the real nature of the beast is revealed as the darkness in the hearts of men.

Who is the beast in Lord of the Flies?

The pilot

Who realizes the beast is not a physical entity but something within them?

In "Lord of the Flies," Simon realizes that the beast is not a physical entity but rather a manifestation of the darkness and savagery present within each of the boys. He comes to this understanding after his encounter with the Lord of the Flies, symbolic of the innate evil that exists within humanity.

Who insists that there is not a beast in Lord of the Flies?

Simon is the only character who realizes that the beast doesn't exist and that the true beast is within themselves.

What is the beast in lord of the files?

the beast in lord of the flies is parachutist who got entangled in the tree branches

Who do the boys kill thinking it is the beast in lord of the flies?

The boys mistakenly kill Simon, a member of their group, mistaking him for the beast during a chaotic and frenzied moment. Simon had come down from the mountain, where he had discovered the truth about the supposed beast, but the boys, caught up in their fear and mob mentality, attack and kill him.

In Lord of the Flies who was mistaken for the beast?

Simon was mistaken for the beast in "Lord of the Flies". He was killed by the other boys during a frenzied tribal dance on the beach.

What does the Beast sing in Disney's Beauty and the Beast?

Beast only sings one song, "Something There".