I understand the guns( there were at least two) were specially made for Ladd for the film Shane, are in the safe keeping of the Ladd family.
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If one looks very closely at Alan Ladd as he fires his gun in "Shane" and at both of the scenes that he used it in, he screwed his eyes up tight and hardly what you would expect from a hardened gunfighter who would in his own interests be more than concerned whether or not he was hitting what he was aiming at and "Jack Wilson " in particular who would only have needed Shane to miss just once and the film would have had a different ending ! The other notable thing, though slightly irrelevant, is that a Colt 54 was only good at "arms length" so as to speak where the weapon didn't so much as launch a bullet as it lobbed a lump of lead in the general direction of whatever or whoever it was meant to hit and was so unreliable that gunfights took place almost face to face and both parties emptied there guns in the general direction of their antagonist until Iether one was hit, or both ran out of bullets - or just plain simply got bored with the idea. The West was full of colourfull charcters but very short on gunfighters that could could knock the eye out of a crow at a hundred yards, from the hip, and on the turn - but in order to put bums on seats, Hollywood made sure they could !
I know it was used in the 1980's movie A Night in Heaven
Dirty Dancing, The Sandlot, Endless Summer
One of the first times (if not THE first time) she calls Alan "Zippy" she refers to "Zippy the Chimp". "Zippy" was a chimpanzee television/shorts character from the late 50s and early 60s. He was featured as a sort of "near human" character, rather than as an animal, in a series of shorts used as fillers on television and at movie theaters. He was treated as an equal by his child co-actors. he sort of filled the role of the main character in the shorts (ala "Spanky" in "Our Gang") but typically closed out the feature by doing something extraordinarily foolish - thus proving himself to be only a monkey (ala Alan Harper).