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Right next to the paper explaining what to do/find near the people to the right, there is that blue thing, and then people carrying plates/ pancake looking things; he is to the right of one of the plate/pancake holders.

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Q: Where is odlaw at the gobbling gluttons?
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Where is Odlaw in gobbling gluttons?

you basically answered this one yourself the oddlaw is in gobbling gluttons? duhh If you found the uneven pies right next to it on the bottom left there should be people carrying pancakes Odlaw is right next to one of them

Odlaw's binoculars in the gobbling gluttons?

Odlaw binoculars are right on the screen, next to a blue-headed man eating and next to two men carrying a pie

Where is beard-flavored soup in the gobbling gluttons?

aisle 12

Where is waldos key in the gobbling gluttons?

Waldo is on the top half of the screen

Where is an overloaded seat in gobbling gluttons?

around the top middle left. north-west to the spaghetti table. .

Where is wenda's camera in gobbling gluttons?

On the floor near the table with the "very tough dishes". It is next to a Waldo hat....

Where is the men pulling legs in the gobbling gluttons?

The "men pulling legs" puzzle in Gobbling Gluttons is located in the room just off the kitchen area on the right side of the map. Once you solve the puzzle by pulling the correct legs in the correct order, you'll be able to progress further in the game.

Where is wenda in the gobbling gluttons?

Wenda is to the left of Waldo (who is standing SW of the spaghetti table). She is standing near the chef and behind two people.

Where is woof in the gobbling gluttons?

zoom page all the way in. go to the three barrels and it's about 4 inches from it. it's right next to the man laying with his feet on the table.

A poke in the eye gobbling gluttons?

It's unclear what you're asking, but a poke in the eye is generally considered unpleasant and gobbling gluttons refers to people who eat excessively. If you have a specific question or topic in mind, please provide more context for a better response.

What rhymes with Odlaw?


Where is a clever drink pourer in the gobbling gluttons?

found it! the top right hand corner, there is a massive sausage in the top top top right hand corner, yes? well, about 1cm below this to the slight left is where it is :D is that alright? x