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No, it's NOT worth fighting for because everyone just wants it to become rich. I really don't see the point in fighting for gold just for power. Obviously everyone in the story really needs a change if heart. The Goblins hear that Smaug is dead and that there is hoarded gold that nobody is claiming...Ho selfish and greedy! The gold shouldn't be fought over because it really is Thorin's treasure because he is The King Under The Mountain for crying out loud! It's The King Under The Mountain's gold not gobbling, or the elves', the wargs, orcs, or even the People of Lake Town's. Although because Bard killed the Dragon, Smaug, he and his family should get some of the treasure...but of course there's Thorin being greedy not wanting to share. Greediness is one of the moods in this novel. Take a self assessment, would YOU want to share with the man that killed the dragon allowing you to be the King? I know I would!:)

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Q: Is gold worth fighting for in The Hobbit?
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Worth the Fighting For has 396 pages.

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Worth the Fighting For was created on 2002-09-24.

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The ISBN of Worth the Fighting For is 0-375-50542-3.