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Q: Where is John Cena living?
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What does john cena do for a living?

john cena is a wwe super star and nothing else

Does John Cena's parents still living?

Yes they are still living

Is Nikki Bella living with John CENA?

Yes she want to be Mrs.Cena

Who is John Cena's dad?

John Cena sr.

Who won john cena or brock lesnar?

John Cena

Does John cena have ps3 accont?

John Cena's PSN is John Cena

What is John cena first name?

John Cena's full name is John Felix Anthony Cena.

Is John cena bad?

No. John Cena is not bad. If John Cena was bad, he would not care about his fans. John Cena will always support his fans so John Cena is GOOD!!!!!

Is Juan Cena related to John Cena?

JOHN CENA and JUAN Cena are cousins

Was John Cena shot dead?

no he wasn't, is is living now at the age of 33 :D

Is John cena mom is filipino?

John Cena's mom is alive

What is John Cena's middle name?

John Felix Anthony Cena