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Jack and his tribe make their headquarters at the Castle Rock.

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Jack and his tribe makes their headquarters at the Castle Rock.

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12y ago

Castle rock

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Q: Where is Jacks camp located in lord of the flies?
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What is Jacks excuse Lord of the Flies?

He was eating for a good place to stab him

What does jacks tongue resemble in lord of the flies?

cause he likes muking bin

Where is the island located in "Lord of the Flies"?

The island in "Lord of the Flies" is located in the Pacific Ocean.

Where is the island of the Lord of the Flies located?

The island in the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding is located in the Pacific Ocean.

What does Ralph think caused jacks excitement in lord of the flies?

Ralph believes that Jack saw a ship

Are there any quotes for ego defence mechanisms in lord of the flies?

Denial. Jacks Denial to be rescue someday.

What color of hair is jacks in lord of the flies?

In "Lord of the Flies," Jack's hair color is golden or blonde. This hair color symbolizes his leadership, charisma, and savage nature as the story progresses.

How did jacks attitude change by living on the island in lord of the flies chapter 3?

He becomes more obsessed with killing a pig.

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Where is the cave located in Lord of the Flies?

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In the lord of the flies who has not joined jacks group yet?

In the book The Lord of the Flies by chapter 9 Ralph, Piggy, and the twins are the people who have not joined Jack's group. After the twins are captured and Piggy is killed that leaves Ralph as the one person who is not a part of Jack's tribe.