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Alaska. Nome Alaska to be more exact/precise.

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Q: Where is Balto the famous sled dog?
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What famous dog helped bring medicine to Alaska during an out break of diphtheria?

The lead sled dog of the final segment of that trip was Balto, a jet black Siberian Husky. That event is memorialized by the annual Iditarod dog Sled race. Balto died of old age at 14. GOOD dog, Balto!

Who was the hero sled dog from1925?


What is the name of the hero sled dog from 1925?


Where is balto buried?

Balto, the famous sled dog, is not buried. After his death in 1933, his body was preserved and now stands on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio.

What is the name of the Sled Dog statue in Anchorage Alaska?

While many believe the dog to be Balto, it is NOT, it is a generic "sled dog". No where on the statue does it say the dog is Balto. well, I don't know what in the world you are talking about. but some people say it is true.

Who was Balto and why was he famous?

Balto (1919 - March 14, 1933) was a Siberian Husky sled dog who led his team on the final leg of the 1925 serum run to Nome, in which diphtheria antitoxin was transported from Anchorage, Alaska, to Nenana, Alaska, by train and then to Nome by dog sled to combat an outbreak of the disease .

Is balto real?

Yes, Balto was a real sled dog that helped deliver diphtheria antitoxin to Nome, Alaska in 1925 during a diphtheria outbreak. Balto and his team ran the final leg of the journey and became famous for their heroic efforts.

Who is balto what is he best known for?

Balto was an Alaskan sled dog who was best known for delivering a supply of medecine to a sick population in Nome

What made Balto so famous?

Baltowas a famous sled dog that saved many lives in Nome, Alaska from the horrible disease, diphtheria He made that big sled race in the year of 1925 and many parents were more than happy that their children survived that harsh winter. Although Balto is not around anymore (he died on March 14, 1933), there is a famous statue of him in Central Park, New York. They made the statue in remembrance of Balto's heroic and fast sled race.There is a link below.

What famous dog can be seen as a statue in Central Park?

Balto, the Siberian Husky, also known as, "the dog who saved Nome." Balto was a sled dog who helped transport a diphtheria antitoxin to help stop an epidemic of the disease. See the Related Link below for the Wikipedia entry.

What was the lead dog of the sled team that carried antitoxin from Nenana Alaska to Nome Alaska in 1925?

The lead dog was Balto.

Who is Balto and what heroic thing did he do?

Balto was a Siberian husky sled dog that led is team in delivering the anti-toxin for diphtheria from Anchorage to Nome and he used the Iditarod trail.