Gandalf goes to Minas Tirith in Gondor to research the One Ring. There Lord Denethor grudgingly allowed Gandalf to search among his hoarded scrolls and books. And there he found the description of the One Ring written by Isildur.
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Because that was where he, his father and his brother lived - it was his home. Furthermore, he wanted The One Ring to be given to Gondor (Minas Tirith is Gondor's capital), for use in defence against Sauron.
The ring makes him invisible. The dagger is an elven blade and glows in the presence of orcs and goblins.
The Ring means sin. And when Frodo destroyed the ring in Mt. Doom, he was casting away his sins. Like we do when we ask Jesus in our lives, He takes away our sins. Sorry, Christianity cannot steal this one. The ring was power and domination. Frodo did not cast it away, it had him in the end. Just as Gandalf said, Smeagol had a part to play yet. If it was not for him, Frodo would have kept it.
No, Sauron is. Addendum: This is explicitly stated in Rivendell. After Frodo recovers from his shoulder wound, he is greeted as "the Lord of the Ring" by Pippin. Gandalf, who is also present, immediately rebukes Pippin for using that term and states that the only lord of the ring is Sauron. Frodo might be able to resist the power of the ring, but ultimately, he could never master the One Ring.
Gandalf Three wizards played a direct part in The Lord of the Rings (movies and books): Gandalf the Gray (and later the white) Saruman the White (and we know what happened to him) Radagast the Brown -- birds, trees flowers were his specialty. Two others were mentioned obscurely. They were the Blue Wizards, Alatar and Pallando.
The city of Minas Tirith in Gondor.
Defeating the Balrog. Finding the one ring, Resisting the one ring. Swaying the Riders of Rohan.
Because that was where he, his father and his brother lived - it was his home. Furthermore, he wanted The One Ring to be given to Gondor (Minas Tirith is Gondor's capital), for use in defence against Sauron.
Bilbo gives his cousin Frodo the One Ring after being hard pressed to do so by Gandalf. In fact, Bilbo almost drew his sword on Gandalf.
just one ring to rule them all
Many people knew that the One Ring existed, but they didn't know that Bilbo had it, except for Gollum. Gandalf suspected that Bilbo had the ring, but he wasn't sure.
He was trying to positively identify the ring. It wasn't until he was able to throw it into the fire at Frodo's house and see the firey letters that he knew for sure that it was the One Ring.
Galadriel, Elrond and Gandalf carried/wore the three elven rings. There really was no discussion on what the powers of the rings was. Gandalf had the fire ring, Narya, Galadriel wore Nenya the ring of water and Elrond wore Vilya, the ring of air. They put them away, never to be misused. If you remember in the book though, Galadriel was affected by the temptation of the one ring but she resisted it.
Well, this is a list of the books that I KNOW of. There was the Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and the Return of the King. By the way, they redid Fellowhip of the Ring and also made a complete manual. There was Shadow and Flame, The Battle of Pelennor Fields, Siege of Gondor, and then there was Harad, Gondor in Flames, the Fall of the Necromancer, the Scouring of the Shire. Oh also, there was one for the Dwarves.
In the first movie Gandalf 'dies' and Boromir dies. In the second movie Gandalf comes back to finish his task. Theodred dies, a lot of urk-hai die in the battle of Helms deep along with Haldir of Lorien who was one of Aragorns good elf friends. Aragorn falls of a cliff in the second movie but he is returns later in the movie, suprising those who thought he was dead. In the third movie Deneathor, steward of Gondor dies, along with Gollum, The Urk-hai that were killed at the battle of Minas Tirith, and i think thats all of them.
Frodo Baggins (Hobbit) Bearer of the ring Samwise "Sam" Gamgee (Hobbit) Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck (Hobbit) Peregrin "Pippin" Took (Hobbit) Gandalf the grey / Mithrandir (Istari) - Later called Gandalf the white. Aragorn , son of Arathorn "Strider" (Later king Aragorn II) Gimli Legolas Boromir , son of Denethor (Steward of Gondor's son) Sauron (Creator of the One Ring and main antagonist) Saruman (Istari - like Gandalf - though , becomes another antagonist) Grima Wormtongue Eomer (Eowyn's brother - later to become king of Edoras) Eowyn (Eomer's sister - later romantically involved with Faramir) Theoden (Eomer and Eowyn's uncle, first king of Edoras) Elrond (half-Elf, Lord of Rivendell / Imladris) Elladan and Elrohir (Twin sons of Elrond, half-Elves) Arwen (Daughter of Elrond , half-Elf - later to become queen of Gondor and Aragorn's wife) Glorfindel (Elf, Balrog - slayer) Erestor (Elf , advisor) Lindir (Elf, minstrel) Faramir (Brother to Boromir, son of the steward of Gondor) Denethor (Steward of Gondor) Gollum/Smeagol (First a Hobbit , but fell to the power of the ring - now deformed and twisted , obsessed with the ring of power)
An ancient Ring thought lost for centuries has been found, and through a strange twist in fate has been given to a small hobbit named Frodo Baggins. When Gandalf discovers the Ring is in fact The One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, Frodo must journey on an epic quest to the Cracks of Doom in order to destroy it. However, he does not go alone. He is joined by his two cousins Merry and Pippin, his gardener Sam, Gandalf the Grey Wizard, Legolas the elf, Gimli the Dwarf, and men Aragorn and Boromir of Gondor. Through mountains, snow, darkness, forests, rivers and plains, facing evil and peril at every corner, the Fellowship of the Ring must go. Their quest: to destroy the One Ring in the hopes that the Dark Lord's reign shall be ended.