Hutch Dano (Hutchings Royal Dano) is Royal's grandson.
Royal Dano's birth name is Royal Edward Dano Sr..
Dano Sulik is 5' 8".
Royal Dano is 6' 2".
Dano Sulik was born on January 25, 1975, in Slovakia.
Hutch Dano has one sister. Her name is Emily Dano. These two come from a long line of famous character actors.
According to Linda Dano on her own website, she never had any children, so Paul Dano cannot be her son or grandson.
Hutch Dano's full birth name is Hutchings "hutch" Royal Dano :D
Hutch Dano (Hutchings Royal Dano) is Royal's grandson.
Paul Dano's birth name is Paul Franklin Dano.
Royal Dano's birth name is Royal Edward Dano Sr..
Hutch Dano is American.
Dano Pantić was born in 1972.
Hutch Dano is 6 Feet
Dano Sulik is 5' 8".
Dano Raffanti was born in 1948.
Royal Dano is 6' 2".