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Omaha, Nebraska. Per his wiki page.

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Q: Where does Sting live?
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What layer of a rain forest does a sting ray live in?

Sting Rays live in the ocean, not the Rain Forest.

Can some bees live from a sting?

A bee only dies if it loses its sting. If it can get away with its sting intact it will survive.

Where do sting bugs live at?

in the forest

Do sting rays live in reefs?

Yes I have encountered Sting Rays while diving on reefs.

Bumble bees die if they sting?

Yes. their sting is attached to all their body organs and when they sting, it brings out all of their organs with it, and noone can live wuithout organs can they?

Where does Sting the singer live?

Sting was born on March 20, 1959.

What effects how sting rays live?

20-25 years for nethopods

What kind of fish live with a jellyfish?

other jelly fish

What are the release dates for Saturday Night Live - 1975 Steve Martin Sting 13-1?

Saturday Night Live - 1975 Steve Martin Sting 13-1 was released on: USA: 17 October 1987

What are the ratings and certificates for Sting The Brand New Day Tour - Live from the Universal Amphitheatre - 2000 V?

Sting The Brand New Day Tour - Live from the Universal Amphitheatre - 2000 V is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Does the stingray give birth to live babies?

Sting rays give birth to live young

What are some unique traits of a honey bee?

They do sting. They can't live without their stinger