Robert is living in Florida he has a girlfriend and her name is LILY BURRELL but she lives in quebec Montreal she loves cherleading, soccer and skiing and she absulutly loves hanging out with her boyfriend ROBERT PATTTINSON and her two best friends MEAGAN FLOWERS and KAYLA JOHNSON thank you
LILY BURRELL + Robert Pattinson = LOVE
KAYLA JOHNSON + Taylor Lautner = LOVE
<3 love you Robert <3
Robert pattinson lives in London,England in an apartment (haymarket house) on the fifth floor! But since he's filming movies he's currently living in an apartment in Beverly Hills,California he is staying at 9601 Wilshire Blv. on the 3rd floor!!!!!!!! I spent 2 hours trying to find out where he lives but unfortunatly I live to far away to visit him:( But for every 1 else have fun and tell edward (Robert) Brionna said HEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Robert lives in Los Angeles or Hollywood, California. He really misses London though.
Robert pattinson parnets names are clarie pattinson and his dad is
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's mums name is Clare Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson!
"Never Think" Written by Robert Pattinson and Sam Bradley Arranged and Performed by Robert Pattinson "Let Me Sign" Written by Robert Pattinson, Marcus Foster, and Bobby Long Performed by Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson lives in the US but is from and used to live in London, England
I'm pretty sure he has a house in l.a.
Robert Pattinson lives in London, not LA
Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart live in Bel Air, Stone Canyon
they do not live together
what are you on! he doesn't live in Canada!!!!!!!!!!
he lives in London, England!
In a house. lol
Robert Thomas Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson's mom is Clare Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson's mom is Clare Pattinson.