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It is written on the shovel the digger gives you : "Vince Graves 555-6789".

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Q: Where do you get Vince's phone number on Nabooti Island?
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When you have the cell phone on Nabooti Island, dial 1225 and you will get a removable ELF hat and a bag of toys. (see related question)

How do you get the phone number on Nabooti island?

The number is on the shovel : "Vince Graves 555-6789".

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When you have the cell phone on Nabooti Island, dial 1225 and you will get a removable ELF hat and a bag of toys. (see related question)

What is vince's phone number on nabooti island?

VINCE'S phone number is 555-6789 (it's on the shovel). (see related question)

What 's are there on the cell phone in poptropica in nabooti island?

you need to look at the shovel closly and you will see a phone number

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What are the cell phone numbers on nabooti island?

You phone the number on the side of the spade- Vince grave 555-6789. You can also phone 911 and you get a police hat!

How do you look at the shovel on Nabooti island?

You can read the phone number if you open the item bag and click on the SHOVEL card.

Where is the telephone on time tangled island?

There isn't a phone on Poptropica's Time Tangled Island. There is a cell phone on Nabooti Island.

What do you do if you can't get past Vince on Nabooti Island?

You will need the cell phone to distract him so that you can get into his bag. His phone number is on the shovel. (see related question)

How do you get Vince's phone number on Nabooti Island?

It is written on the shovel you are given at Giza. (you will need a turban to pose as a digger). The number is 555-6789.