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On a country road outside of Corleone.

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Q: Where dies Michael Corleone meet Apollonia in The Godfather?
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Did Michael Corleone die in the godfather novel?

No, in the novel Kay did not leave him, instead she became more and more like the old Mrs Corleone - royal, loving and very indifferent to the family business. They had two boys. Also Michael was moving steadily to the goal of legitimizing the Corleone business. Connie remarried and forgave him. Fred did not betray Michael, or die.

What happens at the end of The Godfather Three?

At the end of The Godfather Part III, Michael Corleone dies alone in Sicily while sitting in a chair, reflecting on his life and family's legacy. The film ends with a montage of Michael's memories and images of his loved ones.

How does Vito Corleone die in the Godfather?

Michael Corleone Dies of old age, Possibly from a heart attack, at the end of Part 3. His dad Vito Corleone died in the Garden after chasing his grandson through the garden. Awesome Movie. RIP.

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What does don corleone have in his mouth when he dies?

An orange peel.

Why did Michael Corleone kill his brother?

Because Fredo betrayed his brother once when they shot at his home when he was in his bedroom. However the reason is more complex than this GodFather part II Michael is in the Room with Fredo in Tahoe, Michael seems to have legitimately forgiven Fredo for what he did, when Fredo does his " I'm not Dumb I'm Smmmart" rant. Fredo insists he know no more, then says that the lawyer prosecuting Michael is Roth's. This is when Michael decides Fredo must be killed, and stops talking to him. Past experience shows that Fredo is dangerous for Michael to keep him alive, so he has Neri Wack him after his mom dies

What book did Maria Cross die in?

Maria Cross dies in the book "The Godfather" by Mario Puzo. She is the first wife of Sonny Corleone and her death is depicted in the storyline.

Who dies first in the 1972 film The Godfather?

James Canne

Who dies in the fith Harry Potter?

Sirius Black, Harry's beloved godfather.

What is personified in the Godfather Death?

In "Godfather Death," Death is personified as a character who acts as a godfather to a young man, making decisions about who lives and dies. Death is depicted as a cunning and relentless figure who cannot be deceived or outwitted.

Who dies in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows the book?

The most notable death is Sirius Black, Harry's Godfather. Other deaths include, Boderick Bode and Igor Karkaroff

Is the boy with Micheal in the beginning of the movie the same boy who dies at the end?

No, the boy with Michael in the beginning is Michael's friend. The boy who dies in the end is not related to Michael.