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Q: Where did carlise live before he became vampire?
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When carlise first became a vampire how did he not try to kill himself?

He hasn't tried NOT to kill himself. He has tried to kill himself many times but decided to live as a 'vegetarian' vampire feeding on the blood off animals in stead of being a monster.

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out in the wild, then they worked, then they became pets

How old was Edward when he became vampire?

Edward Cullen was changed into a vampire by Carlisle Cullen when Edward was 17. he and his mother had spanish influensa and were both dying. Carlisle was with Edwards mother, just before she died she told Carlisle to save edward, in a way no one else could, carlisle thought she knew he was a vampire but before he could ask she was dead. So edward had no one in the world at all, he was dying and carlisle had no companion. so carlisle changed him into a vampire witch is very very very hard.

Did edward know carlisle was a vampire before he was adopted?

No. Edward was changed into a vampire by Carlisle as he carried out Edwards' mothers' last wish, which was for her son to live.

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Where is the Cullens crucific from?

The Cullens, as depicted in the "Twilight" series, are a fictional family of vampires who live in Forks, Washington. They are not crucified; rather, they avoid crucifixion as a method to keep themselves safe from harm.

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Chattanooga, Tennessee

After Carlisle became a vampire he fed on what animal and learned he could live on animal blood instead of human?

deer... he thought of it like venison

Do vampire live in India?

yes ,vampire live in india .We just have to see them from our heart

Where does a vampire bat live?

A vampire bat Lives In A Dark Cave.

How long will a vampire live for?

Vampires don't live. In order to be a vampire you have to be dead. Once being a vampire you can perpetuate your existence indefinitely.

Where did Nickolaus live before he became Santa?

Sorry, he's not real...