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No, Bella Swan does not die in the Twilight series. In the final book, "Breaking Dawn," she undergoes a transformation into a vampire to save her life after complications during childbirth. As a vampire, she gains enhanced strength, speed, and immortality, ensuring her survival throughout the series.

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2w ago
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14y ago

- i realise this will be at the end of Breaking Dawn,

Robert Kristens answer: actually Bella died giving birth but Edward successfully inject

Bella heart. Thus healing her wounds by becoming into a vampire.........

and Edward did not die in breaking dawn they live happily ever after.....

Different answer.

I heard there is going to be a new one called Midnight Sun.
They have a kid!!! omg!

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15y ago

NO! although she does have a lot of near death experiances, but she does not die :) Another answer:

Technically, she dies when she is converted into a Vampire. But, she continues to exist in vampire form.

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13y ago

NO Bella does not die in twilight 1,2or 3 but in twilight number 4 she starts dieing so edward bites Bella so she can live and she becomes a vampare with edward and there child is half human and half vampier because she had the baby before she was a vampire

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12y ago

No because she got turned into a vampire in part one, therefore she will not die.

But because there is the "fight" she could die.


there actually is no fight. That was just a vision Alice showed Aro because his decison at that moment was to fight. But if Aro decided to fight..... Carlise, Jasper,Seth,Leah,Jane,Alec,Aro,Marcus,Caius,and Demetri would die.....

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15y ago

No she does not. Bella attempts the sport of cliff diving, which Alice believes to be Bella commiting suicide.

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13y ago

yes she does for a few minutes but then she becomes a vampire because edward bites her<3

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11y ago

you will have to watch the movie to find out if she dies or not.

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