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i think they met in a church, but i'm not sure

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Q: Where did Tartuffe meet Orgon?
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Who are the characters of the novel tartuffe?

The main characters in the play "Tartuffe" by Molière include Tartuffe, Orgon, Elmire, Damis, Dorine, and Cleante. Tartuffe is a hypocritical and devious man, while Orgon is the gullible head of the household. Elmire is Orgon's wife, Damis is their son, and Dorine is their outspoken maid. Cleante is Orgon's brother-in-law and the voice of reason in the play.

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under the table

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The family tries to make Orgon see Tartuffe's hypocrisy.

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Orgon doesn't believe Damis. He then tells Damis to move out of his estate.

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Cleante is Orgons brother in law Tartuffe is the imposter that Orgon brought into his home

What actors and actresses appeared in Tartuffe - 1964?

The cast of Tartuffe - 1964 includes: Sverre Hansen as Orgon

What is the rising action in the play Tartuffe?

The rising action in Tartuffe involves Orgon's increasing admiration and trust in Tartuffe, leading to conflicts with his family who see through Tartuffe's deceitful nature. This conflict escalates as Tartuffe manipulates Orgon to gain control over the household, resulting in tension and deception among the characters.

Which character in tartuffe by poquelin hides incriminating evidence?

Tartuffe hides incriminating evidence against him by trying to seduce Elmire, Orgon's wife, which would implicate him in infidelity and expose his true intentions.

In Tartuffe who were the two characters most taken in by Tartuffe?

Orgon and his mother, Madame Pernelle. Orgon (head of the house) met him in a Church and was impressed by his piety. He invites him to live in his home as a moral example. Madame Pernelle also believes that his is pious and should be heeded.

Who is tartuffes accomplice who secretly tell Organ Tartuffes story in tartuffe by Moliere?

Elmire, Orgon's wife

What is the area of Orgon?

Orgon is a fictional village in the play "Tartuffe" by Molière, and therefore does not have a physical area like a real place. It serves as the setting for the comedic and satirical events that take place in the play.

Who is the mian character in the play Tartuffe?

well, all of the characters can more or less be grouped as "antagonist" (tartuffe, orgon, pernelle) or "protagonist (cleante, DORINE, elmire, damis, mariane+valere, etc). I capitalized Dorine because she is the most outspoken and direct of the protagonists, followed also by cleante, but she was Mariane's voice against orgons plan to marry her to tartuffe, she kept peace between the other characters, and she made a legitimate counter-tartuffe strategy.