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When Eric, Mike, and Tyler ask Bella to go the the "girls' choice" dance on Saturday, Bella tells them that she already has plans to go to Seattle. Edward later asks her if he can take her there. Plans change when Edward finds out it is going to be sunny. Since he had previously promised to show her what he looks like in the sun, he decides to take her to a meadow in the forest.

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15y ago
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12y ago

He goes hunting for mountain lions and grizzly bears with his brothers Emmet and Jasper

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16y ago

In Breaking Dawn, For Edwards bachelor party he goes hunting with Emmett, Jasper and himself.

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15y ago

Edward went hunting with Jasper and Emmett for his bachelor party.

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They rode motorcycles, if that's what you mean. they become closer friends, even best friends, if that's what you mean.

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13y ago

Edward nearly killed bella. Because James the evil vampire bit her and in order for Bella to stay human Edward had to suck bellas blood

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Q: Where did Edward and Bella go the day of the dance?
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What is the name of the resturant that Bella and Edward go to in Twilight?

In Twilight, Bella and Edward go to La Bella Italia.

What happened in chapter 4 of Twilight?

In Chapter Four of Twilight, called Invitations, Bella's gets asked to the school dance by Mike then Eric and lastly Tyler. Bella's exscuse to not go to the dance is that she is going to Seattle. Edward asks her if she wants a ride to Seattle and Bella agrees. It is also the chapter after the car almost hit bella.

Why does Bella go to prom in Twilight with a broken leg?

becauseJames (a vampire intent on killing Bella) broke it when he was trying to get Edward to avenge Bella's death

Why did edward go to the voulti?

Do you rember when Bella and Edward were talking about Romeo and Juliet thing at the beginning of New Moon. Well he said that once Bella died he would go to the volturi and ask to be killed. Well do you also rember when Jacob thought he was taling to Carlise when he really wasn't he was talking to Edward. Well unfoutnatly when Jacob said Charlie was arranging a fewnral that made Edward think that Bella died so... Edward went to the Volturi to kill himself. Because he thought Bella was dead.

What is something Bella told Edward she noticed about him?

Bella: "You're impossibly fast. And strong. Your skin is...pale white, and ice cold. Your eyes change color...and sometimes you speak like - like you're from a different time. You never eat or drink anything, you don't go into the sunlight. How old are you?" Edward: "Seventeen." Bella: "How long have you been seventeen?" Edward: "... a while." Bella: "I know what you are." Edward: "Say it...out loud. Say it." Bella: "Vampire." Edward: "Are you afraid?" Bella: "No."

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Who asks Bella to go to the school dance first?

Mike asks Bella first during biology class in front of Edward ,then Eric and finally Tyler

When Bella and Edward Cullen swan goes to the dance does any of the other Cullen hales go to the dance deal too?

yes cuz it says in the book

Who does Bella go out with?

Bella goes out with Edward.

What is the name of the resturant that Bella and Edward go to in Twilight?

In Twilight, Bella and Edward go to La Bella Italia.

Where do edward and Bella go to dinner?

Bella Italia

Where did Edward go for the rest of the week after Bella's first day of school?

He was with the Denali clan in Canada

Who was the first person to ask Bella Swan to the spring dance?

In the "Twilight" series, the first person to ask Bella Swan to the spring dance was Edward Cullen. Edward hesitated at first but eventually asked Bella to go with him, and she happily accepted.

What book character does Edward Cullen dislike in Twilight?

Edward Cullen doesn't like Jacob because Jacob is a werewolf. Jacob also doesnt like Edward. Billy(Jacob dad) wants Bella to break up with Edward. Billy paid Jacob to go to Bella dance and talk to her about breaking up with Edward. Edward also doesnt like James. Who try to kill Bella in Twilight.

What happens In all of the Twilight books?

in twilight it is about Bella and edward falling in love and finding out that edward is a vamp then one day they go to play ball then another vamp hunts her and puts her in hospital. in new moon edward leavs and Bella jumps of a cliff and they come bak and edward asks Bella"will u marry me" an Bella says "yas"

Does Bella and edward go out?

technically, yes, but Kristen Stewart (Bella) and Robert Pattinson (Edward) don't REALLY make/go out.

What chapter did Bella and edward go to Seattle?

Bella and Edward go to Seattle in Chapter 14 of "Twilight" by Stephenie Meyer.

What happened in chapter 4 of Twilight?

In Chapter Four of Twilight, called Invitations, Bella's gets asked to the school dance by Mike then Eric and lastly Tyler. Bella's exscuse to not go to the dance is that she is going to Seattle. Edward asks her if she wants a ride to Seattle and Bella agrees. It is also the chapter after the car almost hit bella.