in a glade, near the bank of the River Anduin, which traveled through the lake Nen Hithoel, about a mile from a green lawn called Parth Galen, defending Merry and Pippin from the orcs.
Sean Bean =] ... what a funny name ... but it's true -_-
The strength and weakness of men. He is tempted by the ring, and tries to take it from Frodo. But also has the strength to let frodo go with it. He also sacrifices his life for merry and pippin.
Er, no. Destiny is one the themes of the story -Boromir's death resulted in the capture of Merry and Pippin, which led to the raising of The Ents, who destroyed Isengard and allowed the overthrowing and subsequent death of Saruman -a powerful allie of Sauron. It also caused Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn to leave the ringbearer and pursue the captured Hobbits and... well, o cut a very, very, very long story short, I think Boromir's death was a pivotal event in the saving of middle earth. Shield or no shield, he had to go! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To answer the question, there is a good chance he would have. However his survival would have had dire consequences.
I believe you are talking about the Uruk-hai, they are orcs that Saruman created that can walk freely in daylight.
If you are referring to Boromir (the prince and heir to the stewardship of Gondor) then he died at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring movie (the beginning of The Two Towersbook).If you are referring to King Theoden's son, Theodred, he died in The Two Towers book and movie.And, if you are referring to the Elf, Haldir, he died at the end of The Two Towers movie during the battle of the Hornburg at Helm's Deep.
Boromir was created in 1954.
Boromir, Haldir, Saruman, and countless dwarves, elves, and men.
Boromir blows his horn.
Boromir wanted to return to Gondor and Minas Tirith.
Yes, Boromir is Faramir's brother in Lord of the Rings. Their father was Denethor, Steward of Gondor, and their mother was Finduilas, daughter of the Prince of Dol Amroth.
They were comrades in arms, and definitely friends. They fought for a common cause and mourned Boromir's passing when he died.
Amon Hen was where Boromir was killed. However after He was dead Parth Galen was where Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli brought Boromir's Body and put him in the Boat to be sent off into the sunset.
Amon Hen.
Sean Bean =] ... what a funny name ... but it's true -_-