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Er, no. Destiny is one the themes of the story -Boromir's death resulted in the capture of Merry and Pippin, which led to the raising of The Ents, who destroyed Isengard and allowed the overthrowing and subsequent death of Saruman -a powerful allie of Sauron. It also caused Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn to leave the ringbearer and pursue the captured Hobbits and... well, o cut a very, very, very long story short, I think Boromir's death was a pivotal event in the saving of middle earth. Shield or no shield, he had to go! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To answer the question, there is a good chance he would have. However his survival would have had dire consequences.

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Q: If boromir had his shield would he have lived?
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I know that Hawaii is made up of shield volcanoes, so the answer to your question would be U.S.A.