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Actually, it is available online now, but it hasn't been *subbed* yet. The quality looks pretty good to, some people have uploaded the RAW on YouTube.

No copies available... anywhere. This was shown at an event in Tokyo and has not been released on television or online in Japan... yet...

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15y ago

I heard that it will be shown in the new season coming out in September, 2009. Along with a new movie coming out in the same month. It should be the eighth season premiere but if not it should come on sometime in that season.

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15y ago

youtube it look bad but you can see it

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Q: Where can you watch inuyasha black tessaiga?
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What is the name of the Inuyasha OVA?

Black Tessaiga

How many specials is there in InuYasha?

I believe there's 4. (1-2)The Tragic Love song of Destiny parts 1and 2 (3-4)The Woman who Loved Sesshomaru parts 1and 2 P.S. there's an anime Inuyasha short just released in Japan called "Black Tessaiga" (although it should be "Tetsusaiga I guess it's Tessaiga.) I haven't seen this though, only heard about it.

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Tessaiga ....I'm noy sure... kikyou- is how they spell her name in the Japanese version kikyo is just how the American manga spelled it

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it could be episode 6 and 7 you're talking about, when he fights sesshoumaru with the tessaiga for the first time.

When does inuyasha's sword achieve crystal mode?

Inuyasha\'s sword the Tessaiga achieves Crystal Mode in the episode titled "The Fate of the Tessaiga" from Inuyasha Season 3. During this episode Inuyasha battles the powerful monster known as Ryukotsusei and is unable to defeat it. After receiving advice from Totosai he is able to unlock the sword\'s true potential and transforms it into Crystal Mode. The sword initially starts out as the normal red-colored steel form and when it transforms to Crystal Mode it turns into a blue crystalline state. In order to transform the sword into Crystal Mode Inuyasha must perform several steps: Gather the shards of the Shikon Jewel Combine the shards with the Tessaiga Perform the "Backlash Wave" attackAfter performing these steps the sword will then transform into Crystal Mode allowing Inuyasha to use its full power and defeat Ryukotsusei.

When did InuYasha say that Kagome sent was good?

he said it when she first figured out his secret the episode secret of the black haired inuyasha! WATCH IT NOW ON HULU.COM ALL EPOSIDES PEPEES

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How can you get inuyasha show back in rolling?

inuyasha is on t.v. but it comes out on sundays and it starts at 2 or 5 of the morning in order for me to watch inuyasha i set a timer to record each episode of inuyasha but i dont know if you can watch it on t.v. so you can just watch online at WWW. InuYasha

Where can you watch Inuyasha episode 31 by Veoh?

You can watch all of the InuYasha episodes and movies and read the manga at

In what Episode Did Inuyasha Try To Fight he's brother wile full demon form?

Um... When Sesshomaru was full demon? Or Inuyasha full demon? Well anyway, I'll say both. When Sesshomaru is full demon while fighting Inuyasha it is episode 007. They are there fathers grave fighting over tessaiga. When Inuyasha is full demon fighting Sesshomaru it is episode 52- A demon's True nature.

When to watch Inuyasha episode?

You can watch it any time you wish.

Should you watch inuyasha or read the manga?

You should read and watch Inuyasha. Both the show and the manga are different and worth the extra effort.