It is really hard to find similar anime's to other anime's I've looked that up many times and yet still no answer.
What's the color of the protagonist's hair? What do the other characters look like? What is the theme of the anime?
What ever anime you like
Well, because Suzuka is a sport type anime, there is Big Windup which is about baseball. I don't know any other anime's with track, but other sports one are good too.
Anime bondage is like when someone is kidnapped and is tied up but in anime form
I really want other online anime games like this one but all I could find was gaia.
Anime is famous because it is different to normal drawings. people like what anime looks like. Not everyone but a lot of people do. Anime is famous because people like how it is unique rto different artists.
Try gaia online or raganarok online.
Any popular anime streaming website like gogo anime.
Mostly anime forums would be good. Some include otakuholics, romanceanime, otakucenter, the list goes on.
You can be an English dubber for anime but its a very tough job to get into because many companies like to hire within their own staff but i heard it is possible to get a job b dubbing anime into different languages so that other countries can also enjoy anime .
Anime is famous because it is different to normal drawings. people like what anime looks like. Not everyone but a lot of people do. Anime is famous because people like how it is unique rto different artists.
There is an online MMORPG for Naruto and other Anime like Bleach, One Piece called
I think it's more a matter of opinion but if you look at what people call "cartoons" and what people call "anime" then I would consider anime to be more Japanese than cartoons. Usually though, if it's stupid I consider it to be a cartoon.
No. Anime is more like a style.
Some of the best anime works to date are Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Deathnote, Clannad, Soul eater, and Hunter x Hunter.
Its perfectly acceptable for some people to not like shoujo anime since the intended audience is aimed at teenage girls.