All around really. they're in all places. . . like the hokage's roof all the way to the sand and rain villages. you will clearly see them on the floor marked like you would loot stuff.
You can find it at Naruto
Where do you find naruto for pivot?
i would try, has all Naruto Shippuden in high resolution as well as all downloads to all Naruto and Naruto Shippuden episodes including
KHS is a Naruto side story made to represent the characters in highschool life. You can find it on under Naruto KHS.
Did naruto find out that it was hinata under the waterful?
You'll have to find him
In the forest where you fight Naruto as sauske
hinata's sister is not in naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 2
I know that Naruto ultimate storm 2 is sold at Target, Walmart ,Gamestop ,Best Buy and others places but i think you should be able to find the game in at least one of those places.
You can find this PS3 game in most good stores or on websites such as and
there are armor destroying arrowhead in naruto shippuden ultimate ninja storm 2 but you can not use them they can only be traded into a tool shop to get new equipment for your character to use in only battles
Virgin megastore in Mall of the emirates, geekay games etc.
Either in one of Orochimaru's Hideouts or the Uchiha Hideout.
He is At the top of the hokage's tower in the hidden leaf village
materials such as that can be found in the brownish barrels.
It is possible to get the Naruto Hokage costume from Mount Myoboku ,first go to Mount Moyoboku ,then enter the old frogs room (Or maybe outside) ,you should find a statue ,investigate it and you will acquire the costume.
One may find out how to unlock the Edo Kage in Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 3 by looking up game forums on the game. Another way would be to purchase the book on the game from your local game store.