on http://www.fanfiction.net/anime/Naruto/10/0/1/1/0/2039/2040/0/0/1/
the anwer depend on whoever you are, but i personally think sasunaru is better. i find sasunaru alot more that narusasu. Edited by SasuNaru93: In a poll I found it seems that SasuNaru is more popular than NaruSasu. But I will tell you this it is A LOT easier to find SasuNaru doujinshi than NaruSasu doujinshi. You can visit the link to the poll if you want to see if the voting changed or not. Just copy and paste this to your address bar... > http://quizilla.teennick.com/polls/result/7611186
Good question.
you can probably find some good PG anime on any anime channel
TV Tango is a good site to find past TV schedules. Also TV.com and TV listings.aol are good sites for past TV schedules.
Narusasu hard doushinji can be found in online marketplaces that specialize in doujinshi, such as Mandarake or Toranoana. These doujinshi may also be available at conventions or through fan communities and online forums.
naruto and saskue
narusasu ^^ cuz it would be cute if they would end up together :3 kakasaku has some good plots
other way of sasunaru just that naruto is seme and sasuke uke
hehe i think it would be they look cute together <3 NaruSaku will happen cuz i want it 2 lol ^ - ^ no i mean naruhinas cute sometimes but i don't think it will happen. (THATS MY OPION!). I luv NaruSaku and i will never change my mind. But loads of people are saying NaruSasu is gunno happen... ? - ~ - EEK! I LUV NARUSASU but only in a brotherly best m8s way. ^-^
the anwer depend on whoever you are, but i personally think sasunaru is better. i find sasunaru alot more that narusasu. Edited by SasuNaru93: In a poll I found it seems that SasuNaru is more popular than NaruSasu. But I will tell you this it is A LOT easier to find SasuNaru doujinshi than NaruSasu doujinshi. You can visit the link to the poll if you want to see if the voting changed or not. Just copy and paste this to your address bar... > http://quizilla.teennick.com/polls/result/7611186
well its seems on a poll people like gay couples more better including me so cus yaoi(boyxboy) is more sexier
Do you mean in the actual show or what people come up with? In my opinion, and this is a a couple was made up by idiotic fans, the worst naruto couple ItachiXNaruto. Everytime I think about it it make makes me want to heave. Definately sasunaru and narusasu
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It hasn't happened yet, but i hope it does. there are three big fan couples NaruHina NaruSaku NaruSasu So far it SEEMS naruhina is more popular in the west. There has been alot of signs for Naruhina, such as chapter art, hinata's confession, and the emotions they inflict on each other. NaruSaku is also likely. Sakura has been naruto's team-mate for a long time and Naruto has a crush on sakura. But when sakura confesses, it makes Naruto slightly angry because he know sakura is just trying to get out of killing sasuke. but like i said, it hasn't happened yet so who knows NaruSasu??? Don't you mean SasuSaku.