the anwer depend on whoever you are, but i personally think sasunaru is better. i find sasunaru alot more that narusasu.
Edited by SasuNaru93: In a poll I found it seems that SasuNaru is more popular than NaruSasu. But I will tell you this it is A LOT easier to find SasuNaru doujinshi than NaruSasu doujinshi. You can visit the link to the poll if you want to see if the voting changed or not. Just copy and paste this to your address bar... >
it popular like 60% of the viewer like the idea of naruto & hinata since this anime is full of drama it gonna happen
There are many results of this pairing if you search up the AMVs on YouTube.
It is the MOST popular pairing in Naruto.
For some reason NaruHina is a very popular even though the chance of this pairing happening is 5% at the most. NaruSaku: 95%. SasuSaku: 0%.
According to google trends (what people search for on the internet at least), WWE is more popular than Hannah Montana.
Of course Blackpink is popular than twice, Blackpink is the most popular female kpop group!!
Metallica Has Sold more albums. Where I checked Eminem has sold around 80-100 million, MeAlluca has had well over 100. I believe 110 Million But eminem is one man, metallica is an entire band, PLUS they've been in the industry longer.
~Celtic Thunder is actually a lot more popular than you think. Its just that not a lot of teens and young adults listen to them. Its more in the range of older adults. Most young people have no idea who Celtic Thunder is. They're more popular with people who are in the late 30's. :)~
Mario has been around longer than garfield and has always been more popular by far.
More popular than what?
More popular than what?
Yes trucks are more popular than trains
Yes! Lions are more popular than cheetahs.
Ferrari's are more popular.
i think that possibly football is more popular than fishing
Get more popular than her.
more popular than cheese.
Adele is more popular than Shakira.
Japan is so much more popular than New York.
more popular than cheese.
No the Hunger Games is more popular.