James Jandrisch
In My Eyes - John Conlee song - was created in 1983-10.
Love Eyes
yes, i think that grenade is a very dumb song because how would of you've known that her eyes were open that means that your eyes were open too. The song doesn't even make sense!
All Night Long - Blazin' Squad song - was created on 2006-06-10.
It is on ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails. The song is called Defeat U.
Pseudo Echo has a web site where you can find the lyrics to "His Eyes" and all their other tunes. A link is provided.
To find the lyrics to the song you could go to google.ca and type in 'pat monahan her eyes lyrics' and it will give you links to websites with the lyrics.
la di da di slick rick
James Jandrisch
The Mod Squad - 1968 The Song of Willie 3-5 was released on: USA: 20 October 1970
Through Her Eyes - song - was created in 1999.
In Your Eyes - Anastacia song - was created in 2005.
My Eyes - Travis song - was created in 2006.
For Your Eyes Only - song - was created in 1981.