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I have no intention of charging anyone, seeing as there are way more qualified individuals than myself (psychics, mediums, more experienced individuals), but I don't want to break any local laws, get fined/arrested etc.

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Q: Where are places you can do tarot readings for people?
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Where can I get tarot card readings?

Tarot card readings can be found in many places online. One of these places is

Where can you ask tarot questions online?

Try For $5 people sell tarot card readings.

Where could online tarot card readings be obtained?

Although some online tarot card readings can be expensive, Lotus Tarot features free tarot card readings that don't even require registration. A fun and exciting pastime.

Where can one find Tarot Readings online?

Google tarot readings and thousands of results come up! Free tarot card readings is a popular site and will aid you with what you want to know. Many sites include features such as mobile sms features as well as online readings.

Where can we get free tarot readings?

There are many websites online that offer free tarot readings. Simply type into your search bar "free online tarot readings" and a list of suitable sites will appear in the results.

Is there a webpage that does tarot readings?

Yes there are many websites that offer tarot readings. You have to be careful about whether or not they charge for them. offers free online tarot readings

Where could one find a free tarot card reading online?

Tarot card reading is a way of attaining clarity in thoughts and emotions while facing certain issues in one's life. Free Tarot Reading, Trusted Tarot, Salem Tarot and Llewellyn offer free tarot readings online.

What are the best YouTube Tarot channels?

Baba Jolie Guidance, Lifepath Compass, Tyler's Tarot and 33 readings.

Who can give you an actual horoscope or tarot card reading?

Astrologers and tarot card readers can provide these readings.

What is the cost to join the Lotus Tarot site?

The website which provides Lotus Tarot readings has a free option. Additional readings are provided for a fee. The website will provide information about the fees that apply.

Where can one find information about Tarot card readings?

One can find information about Tarot card readings online at Free-tarot-reading website. Also one can look into Trustedtarot website. Some interesting information is available at Howstuffworks as well.

Where can one find more information on free tarrot card readings online?

Information on free tarrot card readings online can be found on various websites. Some examples include the following: Trusted Tarot and Free-Tarot-Readings.