Mary Jane Megquier was born in 1813 and died in 1899 (age 83). There is no reliable record of her date of birth. She is known for the letters written to her husband during the California Gold Rush (1849).
February 28, 1940
2nd November 1958
Draco Malfoy is a fictional character.
Christopher J. Date was born in 1941.
jane symore was born in 1626.
Though nobody knows the exact date, Thomas Clarke was born in 1840 and John Clarke was born in 1846 near Braidwood, New South Wales.
Sarah Palin was born on February 11, 1964.
She was born April the 3rd of 1934.
David Tennant did from 2006 on-wards and to date the David Tennant doctor has not kissed Sarah Jane Smith but I'm not quite sure about the classic series as I never watched it (previous doctors may have)
the year 1802
an actual date isn't specified
3rd April 1934- she was born
If you are referring to Sarah A. Bowman who was often known by a variety of names including Sarah Borginis, then her exact date of birth is unknown. It is believed she was born between 1812 and 1818.
19 January 1803
I don't know the EXACT date but on Wikipedia it says it'll come out August/Autumn 2010!
I was wondering the same thing and from the research I did it looks like Jane Mathewson formerly Jane Stoughton was born Jan. 9 1880 and died in 1967.