D&D or DD usually stands for the role-playing game of Dungeons and Dragons. This is a game where players make up their own characters and scenarios based on rules and regulations provided by the game makers.
Beauty and The Beast. <3 that movie. :D
Look in isohunt.com and get azereus to download torrents, i got like 8 videos with her in it, she looks amazing. hope that was helpful.
crazy mama, whip it, stand by me,
violencesexualitynuditylanguage... they're some of the specifics for movie ratings
"Computer Generated Imagery". A form of animation, usually an attempt to portray a realistic image (like in the later STAR WARS films).
Darling or dear daughter
Dilivered or due date.
dd is an abbreviation for "data definition." It is often jokingly said to stand for "destroy data."
Demand draft
It depends on the context... DD could stand for Doctor of Divinity - an academic degree.
The DD the navy designation for "Destroyer".
it stands for Demand Draft
DD-WRT is Linux based. It is firmware for a variety of wireless routers. DD-WRT is maintained by BrainSlayer and the DD in DD-WRT stands for a number plate code.
It depends on the context... DD could stand for Doctor of Divinity - an academic degree.
Bruce lee dd of a person shot him in the movies
DD 5.1 is the one for movies made to that standard.
it stands for Demand Draft