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i believe it is a

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Q: When you strike a match on the rough strip of a match match box cover you transform?
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What is a strike anywhere match?

A mach which usually has a different colored tip. the tip is sulfur which is the oxidiser for the phosphorus in the match. Which allows you to strike it on any rough surface. regular matches the sulfur is in the sandpaper you strike it on.

Where does the energy to strike the match come from in the first place?

The action of striking the match across a rough surface creates enough heat from friction - so that the chemicals spontaneously combust.

What forms of energy happen when you strike a match?

When you strike a match, mechanical energy is used to move the matchstick against the rough striking surface. This generates heat energy due to friction, which ignites the combustible chemicals on the match head. The chemical reaction releases thermal energy and light energy in the form of a flame.

Why are the sides of a match box rough?

because you swipe the match on the side and it lights it

Can non-living things transform?

Only if living things act upon it. Such as what a craftsman. He will chisel a diamond and transform it from its rough shape to how the customer wants it.

Why is friction greater between surfaces that are rough?

the greater will strike opposing the motion

Why is a match stick lightened on rubbing it on the rough side provided on side of match box?

Friction, which produces heat. The tip of the match is designed to ignite at low temps.

Why does a match stick light when rubbed on a rough surface?

When a match stick is rubbed on a rough surface, the friction creates heat. The heat then ignites the chemicals on the match head, specifically the phosphorus and sulfur, which undergo a chemical reaction with the oxygen in the air. This reaction produces a flame, causing the match stick to light.

What is anti-aliasing in counter strike 1.6?

Its the smoothing for the game so you dont see the rough edges or rough shadowes ect. But if your computer is slow it will slow it down.

What role does rubbing the match head on a rough surface have in reaction involved in the burning of a match?

Rubbing the match head mixes together the two chemicals that make up the surface of the match head. Then they react with the air and cause an exothermic reaction.

Which is the most rough match in the WWE?

The one where I used a chainsaw to lobotomize you for ever contemplating such a ridiculous question.

What are the rough parts of food that cannot be digested?

Fiber is the rough parts of some fruits, vegetables, and grains that cannot be digested.