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A tough question because they had many different members and several different names. They first formed in 1957 as The Quarry Men where they played at local clubs, bars, and parties.

One could argue that the day they actually formed was when Paul McCartney met John Lennon on Saturday, July 6, 1957 when Paul attended a show where The Quarry Men performed at a procession and Garden Fete held at St. Peter's Church, Woolton, Liverpool, on a makeshift stage in a field behind the church. The fete charges 6d for adults and 3d for children to attend. The Queen of the fete is Miss Sally Wright, who was replacing Miss Susan Dixon.

That evening, the two were introduced, and most likely John Lennon was impressed enough to ask Paul to join the band a week later.

Paul first appeared as a member of the band on Friday, October 18, 1957 at The New Clubmoor Hall (sometimes called The Conservative Club), Broadway, Norris Green, Liverpool, Lancashire, England. The band wore matching outfits with long-sleeved cowboy shirts, black string ties and black trousers. John and Paul wore white sports-coats. Paul plays for John a couple of tunes he had composed, one of them being "I Lost My Little Girl." Also known to have been performed: Arthur Smith's "Guitar Boogie", which Paul reportedly messes up badly on lead guitar.

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Their first concert was at the Cavern club, when they were known as the Quarrymen. In 1964, they made their first concert appearance on the Ed Sullivan show, as The Beatles.

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Candlestick Park, 1966

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Q: When was the beatles first and last concert?
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