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Wikibooks was created in 2004.

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What is the wikipedia's sister projects?

They are all the wiki projects, e.g. Wikibooks, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, and even Wikipedia

Who invented the Pascal programming language?

It was invented by Niklaus Wirth in 1968 as a research project into the nascent field of compiler theory. Source: Wikibooks

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According to Wikibooks and some other sources, St. Brendans has 17% alcohol (ABV), and is therefore 34 proof.

Who owns wikipeadia?

Wikipedia is managed by a non-profit parent organization, there is not a particular owner. The Wikimedia Foundation also manages the operation of Wikipedia's sister projects, such as Wiktionary and Wikibooks.

Where can one find a list of card games?

One can find a list of card games at the following places such as: Ranker, eZineArticles, Wikibooks, BoardGames, Pagat, Wikipedia and as well as at The House of Cards.

Where can one find a list of mathematical symbols?

Lists of mathematical symbols can be found online at Wikepedia, Rapid Tables, PSU website, Binghamton, Radio Electronics, Nikhef, J.D. Fielder, and Wikibooks.

Where can one purchase books about embedded PCs?

One can purchase books about embedded Pcs on Amazon or Wikibooks. Examples for books are "Embedded Computer Vision" or "The Embedded PCs ISA Bus" by Ed Nisley.

Where can one learn about the business strategy process?

There are numerous places online one can learn about The Business Strategy Process. One can find information at any of the following site: Wikibooks, Intellego, Thecqi or Businessinsider.

Where is the best place to take networking courses?

Several schools have great computer science and IT courses in their curriculum which will educate you on the entire topic of networking. In addition to enrolling in classes, there are several free resources scattered all throughout the Internet on websites like WikiBooks.

Is Wikipedia a non-profit?

Yes, wikipedia is a non-profit. Wikipedia is part of The Wikimedia Foundation Inc, which is a non-profit charitable organization, which also includes: Wikipedia, Wiktionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, Wikispecies, Wikinews, Wikiversity, Wikimedia Incubator and Meta-Wiki.

Is there a wiki everything there's wiktionary Wikipedia wikihow WikiAnswers did I miss something?

Wikipedia, Wikitionary, Wikiquote, Wikibooks (including Wikijunior), Wikisource, Wikimedia Commons, Wikispecies, Wikinews, Wikiversity,MetaWiki, wikiHow, WikiAnswers, Uncyclopedia, Encyclopedia Dramatica, MarvelWiki, Bulbapedia, GuildWiki, Left4Dead Wiki, SleepWiki, YugiohWiki, to name a few of the most popular wikis.

How do you change color of text?

If you want to set the color of all your paragraphs to red, you should write: p {color:red;} You can use CSS classes also. I provide a link to a "CSS" book in Wikibooks for further information