The first Voltron cartoon was based on the Japanese anime Beast King GoLion and was made in 1984. A second iteration followed based on Armored Fleet Dairugger XV. Combined they lasted from the fall of 1984 to the fall of 1985. Other Voltron appearances include a 1986 special, a 1998 series, a 2011 series, and a 2016 reboot on Netflix. There have also been some Voltron comic books produced in 1985 and 2008.
Who win voltron or greatmazingee
yes in the newer version of Voltron, Keith is finally said to become King of Arus.
Chico Wang went by Voltron.
its made by helen hodgkinson
Voltron Defender of the Universe - 1984 Voltron Versus Voltron 1-44 was released on: USA: 9 November 1984
I guess Balonium, as it is strong and much powerful.
Can tranzorz defeat voltron
Can tranzorz drfeat voltron
Voltron ended on 1985-11-18.
Voltron Force - 2011 Hungry for Voltron 1-12 was released on: USA: 18 August 2011
The duration of Voltron Force is 1800.0 seconds.
Voltron Force - 2011 I Voltron 1-21 was released on: Australia: 21 March 2012 USA: 21 March 2012
Voltron The Third Dimension - 1998 The Trial of Voltron 1-14 was released on: USA: 1 May 1999
Voltron Force was created on 2011-06-16.
Voltron Defender of the Universe - 1984 The Right Arm of Voltron 1-6 was released on: USA: 17 September 1984
Voltron Defender of the Universe - 1984 Voltron Frees the Slaves 1-43 was released on: USA: 12 November 1984