In the book, Snape uses a non-verbal spell, so we don't know which spell he used, In the movie, the spell Snape uses is "Vipera Evanasca".
DWLS was created in 1955.
Conus orbignyi was created in 1831.
Drosera rupicola was created in 1982.
The Swinger was created in 1966.
nope. south westarn europe.
Vipera aspis is the latin name belonging to a species of venomous viper, found in south-western Europe. It's bite is considered more severe than the European adder (vipera berus). Not only is the bite more painful - but about 4% of people bitten die.
Laura Aspis Prize was created in 1980.
Greek destroyer Aspis was created on 1907-04-03.
Vipera ammodytes was created in 1758.
Consider the Adder, commonly called the: Death Adder(Acanthophis antarcticus) or the Australian Brown Snake (Pseudonaja textilis), Asp Viper,(Vipera aspis zinnikeri).
Consider the Adder, commonly called the: Death Adder(Acanthophis antarcticus), Australian Brown Snake(Pseudonaja textilis), Asp viper, (Vipera aspis zinnikeri).
Athos-Aspis's population is 197.
The area of Athos-Aspis is 6,000,000.0 square meters.
Greek destroyer Aspis ended in 1945.
There are a total of13 snakes species present in Spain of which five are venomous. These are:Seoane's viper (Vipera seoanei -- víbora de Seoane)Asp viper (Vipera aspis -- víbora áspid)Snub-nosed or Lataste's viper (Viborade lataste -- vibora hocicuda)False smooth snake (Macroprotodon cucullatus -- culebra de cogulla)Montpellier Snake (Malpolon monspessulanus -- culebra bastarda or de Montpellier)