Valmet Automotive was created in 1968.
Valmet ended in 1999.
Valmet Automotive's population is 1,425.
Have you tried contacting Valmet? FinnClassic 512s will work on a 412S but may need to be fitted.
EAW sells them
100-500 USD
The car manufacturers with V include Vabis, Valmet, Vespa, Virago, Velox.
The value of a Valmet 412's 12 gauge over 30-06 under made in Finland depends on its condition. This gun in mint condition is valued between 600.00 and 800.00 as of 2014.
If the owner's manual doesn't tell you, you need to contact the maker.
The 330 was manufactured by Vlamet between 1969 and 1980.
You will have to contact the CA Dept of Justice or visit their website to find out what the current laws are.
It's VALMET. We see them listed over $1000 but they rarely sell for that. $800 is more realistic.