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The Slitheen Excursion was created in 2009.

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Q: When was The Slitheen Excursion created?
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When was The Excursion created?

The Excursion was created in 1814.

When was Excursion to Tindari created?

Excursion to Tindari was created in 2000.

What planet do the slitheen come from?

The Slitheen are from the planet Raxacoricofallapatorius.

When was Cold Blue Excursion created?

Cold Blue Excursion was created in 1971.

In Doctor Who what is the planet that the Slitheen come from?

The Slitheen come from Raxacoricofallapatorius.

How many pages does Revenge of the Slitheen have?

Revenge of the Slitheen has 128 pages.

How tall is the slitheen?

The Slitheen, or to give them their roper name, the Raxacoricofallapatorians are eight feet tall.

What is the real name of the slitheen in Doctor Who?

"Slitheen" is just the aliens' family name. They are actually Raxacoricofallapatorians.

Where did the slitheen come from?


What are Slitheen?

an alien race from doctor who

What do have to do to become a slitheen?

you have to be fat so they can fit in the bodies

Where is the slitheen on the Sarah Jane monster hunt?

In the school.