Paul Banks is something around 6' foot tall or over.
Stalker much?....
Paul Gover was born in 1968.
Paul Massey was born in 1926.
Paul McKinney was born in 1925.
Paul N. Banks was born in 1934.
Paul Banks was born on May 3, 1978.
Paul Banks was born May 3, 1978, he's 33 years old. He became a member of the band, Interpol in 1997.
Paul Banks is 39 years old (birthdate: May 3, 1978).
Paul Banks is something around 6' foot tall or over.
Stalker much?....
Matthew Banks was born in 1961.
Percy Banks was born in 1885.
Rosemary Banks was born in 1951.
Isabella Banks was born in 1821.
Lacy Banks was born in 1943.
Linn Banks was born in 1784.