The cast of Springtime in Bourges - 1987 includes: Savuka as Themselves Jane Birkin as herself Alpha Blondy as himself Ray Charles as himself Serge Gainsbourg as himself Murray Head as himself Southside Johnny Lyon as himself Viktor Lazlo as himself Jerry Lee Lewis as himself
Garrett Hedlund Hedlund has starred in several major films, including the epic Troy (in which he made his film industry debut as Patroclus, younger cousin of Achilles)
Iris Born was born in 1954.
Ivan Born was born in 1778.
Gary Born was born in 1955.
Patroclus of Bourges died in 576.
Élémir Bourges was born on 1852-03-26.
Yvon Bourges was born on June 29, 1921, in Pau, Pyrnes-Atlantiques, France.
The population of Bourges is 68,980.
Bourges Football was created in 1966.
Arcadius of Bourges died in 549.
University of Bourges was created in 1463.
The area of Bourges is 68.74 square kilometers.
Ursinus of Bourges died in 2##.
Felix of Bourges died in 580.
Julián Bourges died in 1976.
Roger Karl was born on April 29, 1882, in Bourges, Cher, France.