Lars Damoiseaux was born in Netherlands.
Paul Johansson was born on January 26, 1964.
Lars Brandeby's birth name is Lars Thorsten Brandeby.
Lars seems to be 6'0 tall because he is taller then Tim and Tim is 5'11.
Lars Berteig Andersen is 184 cm.
Lars Joachim Grimstad was born on 1972-10-08.
Lars Pirak was born in 1932.
Lars Bergendahl was born in 1909.
Lars Winther was born in 1983.
Lars Bock was born in 1955.
Lars Behrendt was born in 1973.
Lars Leiro was born in 1914.
Lars Holte was born in 1966.
Lars Bäckström was born in 1953.
Lars Hedwall was born in 1897.
Lars Söderdahl was born in 1964.
Lars Rise was born in 1955.